The Health and Wellness working group puts out a new podcast every Thursday, revolving around holistic and natural health. To listen to this podcast from Reimagine TCWAC’s ‘Journey Through Health and Wellness’ series, click on the following link:
Tuning in from Costa Rica, Sheila Bell is the founder of Balanced Ideal Tai Chi. She shares and teaches how to engage your internal energy and maintain a healthy relationship with your environment. She speaks on the current global ecological disasters, including the water crisis. Explaining that the water crisis is a world concern and that water cycles don't just stop at the borders, she distinguishes just how deeply nature is interconnected. Conservation is vital as every effort effects the whole planet as well as your neighbors. Sheila and her interviewer, Dr. Elisa Haransky Beck, share a passion for conservation and discuss the multidimensional nature of watersheds and the silver lining of the events of the past year. As the environment is interconnected, so is your entire body. Sheila discusses how health problems early on in her life lead her to discover Tai Chi, in which she found her peace.
Originating from Texas, Sheila Bell has spent the past 30 years in Costa Rica. As a very active person in her youth, Sheila acquired many injuries and illnesses. Only turning to Tai Chi did she begin to understand how to stay healthy. She founded the Sigung Richard Clear in 2015 and begun training in the Clear Tai Chi system. Sheila educates others in Tai Chi to create the positive transformation of physical energetic, and spiritual aspects. She strives for people to feel their worth and allow their internal environment to positively effect the people around them.