This week's podcast episode features excerpts from the ReImagine the Monroeville Mall Showcase on July 21, 2021
The Health and Wellness working group puts out a new podcast every Thursday. To listen to this podcast from Reimagine TCWAC’s ‘Journey Through Health and Wellness series, click on the following link:

Photo by Mark Dixon
In April 2021, ReImagine Turtle Creek Watershed and Airshed Communities (TCWAC) hosted an essay contest asking high schoolers to share their ideas on how they would make the Monroeville Mall more economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable and inclusive of youth. A panel of judges, consisting of community leaders ranging from a Gateway School District Board Member to University of Pittsburgh Urban Studies Professors, chose three winning essays to receive cash prizes adding up to $1000. This contest builds upon a ReImagine TCWAC initiative that aims to revitalize the mall into a community hub for sustainability and innovation.
To celebrate our talented and inspiring essayists, TCWAC held ReImagine the Monroeville Mall Showcase in July 2021 for winners of the contest to read their submissions to the community. This event created space for Monroeville residents to think about how the mall is a vital economic asset in our region. How can we, as a community of mall patrons, ensure that this asset is sustained?
Journey Through Health & Wellness is a project of ReImagine Turtle Creek Watershed and Airshed Communities Plus.
Music: "Higher-Up" by Shane Ivers