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Understand the Environmental Impacts of your Food Choices

The Health and Wellness working group puts out a new podcast every Thursday, revolving around holistic and natural health. To listen to this podcast from Reimagine TCWAC’s ‘Journey Through Health and Wellness’ series, click on the following link:

Dr. Sailesh Rao imparts his wisdom on the environmental impact of our food choices. He discusses his philosophy on veganism and the effect of bringing animals into the world just to exploit them. The mere existence of these domesticated animals displaces wild animals in nature and invokes extinction. Unwilling to participate in the exploitation of these animals, Dr. Rao became vegan in 2008. He explains that every individual choice impacts everybody on Earth and suggests that instead of eating animals, we should come into harmony with nature. With a vast engineering background, Dr. Rao discusses the quantifiable facts of the likelihood of mass vertebrate extinction by 2026. Concluding that the problem with society is seeing ourselves as separate from nature, Dr. Rao clearly lays out that the solution includes rejecting the mentality of consumerism and supremacism and accepting collaborative thinking. He speaks of transitioning from a narcissistic species to a compassionate, climate regulating, caretaker species. Dr. Elisa Haransky Beck, Dr. Rao’s interviewer, invites Dr. Rao’s charming granddaughter, Kimaya, on the podcast to make a special guest appearance.


Dr. Sailesh Rao is a system specialist with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Originally working on internet communications infrastructure for twenty years, he switched career paths in 2006 to solve the environmental crises. Dr. Rao is a distinguished author and a Human, Earth and Animal Liberation activist, and the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, where he works towards healing the Earth's climate. He is inspired by his granddaughter, Kimaya, to achieve a vegan world by 2026.

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